We work for equal access to economic and professional opportunities for all, with a special emphasis on women in business. We partner with women- and diverse- owned enterprises to build strong and sustainable companies. As your trusted advisor, we take a holistic approach to understanding your business goals, mission, and strategy. We provide top-tier representation at all stages from startup through growth and expansion.
We offer a variety of fee structures and will work with you to design the right fit. Some work is best performed on an hourly fee basis; some for a flat, fixed fee; and some for a pure contingency, meaning you pay us only if you succeed. Sometimes, a mix is best. We will communicate with you honestly and openly to design the right fee structure for you.
We offer a variety of fee structures and will work with you to design the right fit. Some work is best performed on an hourly fee basis; some for a flat, fixed fee; and some for a pure contingency, meaning you pay us only if you succeed. Sometimes, a mix is best. We will communicate with you honestly and openly to design the right fee structure for you.
714 W. State St.
Boise, ID 83702 |
©2025 Dempsey Foster PLLC. All rights reserved.